How much does it cost to charge a lithium battery?

Jack D.

Last Update منذ عامين

The cost to charge an electric bike depends on your regional cost per kWh. In British Columbia, the current base rate is $0.0939 per kWh.

Now, to calculate cost per charge (Sidekick PRO):


Multiply the voltage (V) and amp hours (Ah) to get watt hours (Wh).

Example: 48V x 15Ah = 720Wh.


Divide the Wh (from step 1) by 1000 to get Kilowatt Hours.

Example: 720Wh / 1000 = 0.72 KWh

STEP 3:Multiple the KWh (from step 2) by your local electric rate per KWh.
Example: 0.72 KWh x $0.0939 = $0.067608 or roughly 6.7 cents.

Our Sidekick PRO series will only cost you approx 6.7 CENTS per charge!

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