General Battery Care

Jack D.

Last Update hace 9 meses

It is extremely important to take care of the most expensive component on your electric bike! We only use the most current lithium technology. Currently, we only use 18650 and 21700 cells from Samsung, Panasonic, and LG in all of our electric bike models. Our batteries are rated for 500-1000 full charge cycles, which should last many years based on normal use.

What is considered a full charge cycle? If you use 50% of your battery on a ride, then charge it back to 100% after the ride, that would be a half-cycle. So a full charge cycle would be using 100%, then charing it back to 100%.

LOCK YOUR BATTERY IN PLACE! If you own a model that has a locking feature, USE IT! Failure to lock the battery to its holster may result in serious damage to your battery if it pops out and crashes to the ground.

Here are some great battery care tips:

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